It's good - and quite atypical of Americans - to admit their fuck ups, but I still wonder exactly what thought process led them to think that outsourcing their campaign to "political consultants" could possibly be a good thing?
wtf?"When I look at what was the biggest mistake, when I lie awake at night prepping my e-mails I'm going to send to all of you and I think about the biggest mistake that we made, it's that we've turned everything over to political experts and political consultants," said Equality California Executive Director Geoff Kors.
Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center CEO Lorri Jean, another key member of the No on 8 leadership team, was similarly forthcoming.
"How could we have realized earlier that professional, high-paid consultants were not delivering product?" Jean asked.
Are you fucking kidding me, Lorri? How could you fucking NOT have realized that?
And finally, now that we've already had the complete debunking of the "it was black folks' fault" lie, we have this nice little gem:
"Communities of color made gestures to the No on 8 campaign to help and they were not well-received -- Latino groups and some black groups," he said. "I don't think we took full advantage of the blogosphere or the ethnic press and those are very, very powerful today.
You fucking pieces of shit - Mendaciously blaming black folks for the very wrong you yourselves were committing.
Post-mortems are always fun & painful. :)
EDIT: Subject typo.
EDITEDIT: The "we told black/latino groups wanting to help to fuck off" quote was just too much to leave out.