Now, will they appear is another story. Stay tuned for a rumble royal over the definition of "executive privilidge". The last court test on this in '74 defined it as communications strictly with the President. Booooshie...or should I say, Crashcart, has determined this privilidge extends to him as well and now to everyone within his regime. This sucker is headed to the court and is the endgame of this regime...as I currently don't see the Roberts court in any hurry to hear a separation of powers case that will surely draw it into its most controversial case and ruling since the 2000 selection.
Remember, they were summoned to appear before both the 9/11 commission (they held hands) and the Plame case. I don't see why, if Bill Clinton was compelled to testify under oath in a deposition of a civil case why Booooshie can't be forced to face a Senate Judiciary committee or crashcart hauled in front of Henry Waxman's. The real question is the enforcement...remember, any contempt charges have to be filed and executed by the local DC Court...run by a booooshie appointing from the DOJ. Again...this is gonna be a lot of stonewalling...Democrats must play smart and continue to cut off the escape routes, press with the investigations and call this regime's bluffs.