Pentagon Opt Out and School Opt Out
In just a few minutes, you can create letters here that will Opt Out your
child from BOTH the Pentagon database and your high school recruitment list.
To opt out a student,
you must submit Opt Out letters by postal mail to both
the Pentagon and your School District Superintendent. It's easy!
By using this tool, you can create separate pre-printed letters that include BOTH
the Pentagon's address and your high school Superintendent's address.
All you need is a printer, two envelopes and two stamps. her counselor and make sure they added her as Opted Out in the school database!
STEP 1: Find your School District Superintendent
STEP 2: Automatically generate two Opt Out letters with pre-printed addresses --
one goes to the Pentagon, one goes to your school's Superintendent.
STEP 3: Sign, stamp and mail your Opt Out letters.
STEP 4: Follow-up with your district to make sure they have opted out your child!
For Frequently Asked Questions about Leave My Child Alone, click here.
Below is more information on the Pentagon and high school recruitment lists:
A database has been created by the Pentagon compiling personal information
on 30 million 16-25-year-olds, including name, address, email addresses,
cell phone numbers, ethnicity, social security numbers and areas of study.
For background information about the Pentagon database, click here. SCHOOLS:
As a result of Section 9528 of the No Child Left Behind Act, each high school
receiving federal funding is REQUIRED to turn over student contact information
(name, address, phone number) to local military recruiters unless parents opt out in writing.
For background information on No Child Left Behind's high school military recruiting provision,
click here.
If you are out of high school but wish to opt out of the Pentagon's military recruitment list,
go through the steps below and print and mail the Pentagon letter (while recycling the school
Superintendent letter).