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Disapproval on Iraq Hits Record

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-24-07 12:15 PM
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Disapproval on Iraq Hits Record

More Than Half Favor a Deadline for Withdrawal, Bush Suffers Longest Streak Without Majority Support Since Truman

By GARY LANGER, ABC News Polling Director

Feb. 26, 2007 — A record number of Americans disapprove of the war in Iraq, and a clear majority now favors the eventual withdrawal of U.S. forces, even if civil order has not been restored there — potentially a tipping point in public attitudes on the war.

While solutions remain vexing, for the first time ABC News/Washington Post polls show a narrow majority of Americans support setting a deadline for the withdrawal of U.S. forces. Two-thirds oppose George W. Bush's troop surge; most oppose it strongly.

It all makes for a continued hard slog for the president: Just 36 percent approve of his job performance overall, very near his career low of 33 percent last month. Bush hasn't seen majority approval in more than two years — the longest run without majority support for any president since Harry Truman from 1950-53.

While rooted in Iraq, Bush's problems with credibility and confidence reach beyond it. Sixty-three percent of Americans don't trust the administration to convey intelligence reports on potential threats from other countries honestly and accurately. And 58 percent lack confidence, specifically, in its ability to handle current tensions with Iran.

Iraq Weighs on President's Popularity

Bush is paying the continued price of an unpopular war. Sixty-four percent now say the war in Iraq was not worth fighting, up six points from last month to a new numerical high. (It was 63 percent in October.) A majority hasn't said the war was worth fighting since April 2004, and it's been even longer since a majority has approved of how Bush is handling it. Sixty-seven percent now disapprove; 55 percent disapprove strongly.

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mike_c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-24-07 12:20 PM
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1. Disapproval on Iraq hits record, Congress votes to continue the war....
What a bizarre world.
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TahitiNut Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-24-07 12:26 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Just this corner of it.
The North American asylum. :crazy:
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MuseRider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-24-07 12:43 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Remember
we have to move the ball up the field a little at a time. :sarcasm: At this rate there won't be anyone left in Iraq at all and our military will be either all be disabled or dead.

I guess in the bizzaro world we are living in it makes perfect sense. :eyes:
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Tierra_y_Libertad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-24-07 12:51 PM
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4. But..but..continuing to fund stop politics.
I heard that from the politicians and right here on DU. All we have to do is trust in the exalted ones and be "patient" and if Shrub doesn't veto the bill, and if he agrees to it's provisions, and doesn't use the massive loopholes in the bill, then, maybe, possibly, the troops might come home...just before the elections.

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rodeodance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-24-07 12:52 PM
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5. Key words: even if civil order has not been restored there —
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-24-07 01:19 PM
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6. They never report that 56% of the American people opposed the war FROM THE BEGINNING
(Feb. '03)--and they downplay or ignore other stats, like 63% of Americans oppose torture "under any circumstances (May '04), that would give the lie to the 2004 election, and to our bogus and fraudulent election system, now riddled with voting machines and central tabulators run on 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY programming code, owned and controlled by rightwing Bushite corporations. And they are...

DIEBOLD: Until recently, headed by Wally O'Dell, a Bush-Cheney campaign chair and major fundraiser (a Bush "Pioneer," right up there with Ken Lay), who promised in writing to "deliver Ohio's electoral votes to Bush-Cheney in 2004"; and

ES&S: A spinoff of Diebold (similar computer architecture), initially funded by rightwing billionaire Howard Ahmanson, who also gave one million dollars to the extremist 'christian' Chalcedon Foundation (which touts the death penalty for homosexuals, among other things).

These are the people who "counted" 80% of the nation's votes in 2004, under a veil of corporate secrecy. And they are STILL "counting" all our votes. So, do you think maybe that influences the composition of Congress, which is still--despite Democratic victories--so out of sinc with the American people?

Gee, why would it? And, gee, if it did, how would we know?

The people outvoted the machines, in some cases. That's what I think happened. A 5% "thumb on the scales" for Bushites, warmongers and corporatists, would be completely undetectable in this system. A 10% "thumb on the scales," a little riskier, but still a pretty sure bet in many places. Some states have a ZERO auditing capability. The best--the best!--have only 1%. The voters were voting against a severe handicap, but managed to get themselves a HALF-decent Congress.


This article downplays the big stat (paragraph 2, in words not numbers): "Two-thirds oppose George W. Bush's troop surge; most oppose it strongly." 66%!

Funny how the stats go from 56% opposition to the war in Feb. '03, then jump to 66% opposition today, with this strange pro-war dip in the middle during the '04 election period. Something not right about that. Fiddled polls, mostly likely. And in the strange dip period, we have 63% opposed to torture "under any circumstances." 56%. 63%. 66%. If you throw out the outlier (election period majority support for the war), you have a steady progression of anti-war, anti-Bush-policy opinion among the American people, from a majority (56%, which would be a landslide in a presidential election--and probably was) to an even bigger majority, which should mean impeachment.

The other stats in this article are stunning. And I think the answer to this puzzle--how Congress could vote Bush and Cheney another HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS with which to kill and injure US soldiers and Iraqis in their corporate resource war, in opposition to 66% of the American people--is plainly obvious. 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY vote "counting."

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