The conspiracy theories about the so called “New World Order" seems to have something for everyone, right, left and further out to the fringes. Perhaps the only ones not following this are the middle majority of regular folk.
Yet, it did crop up yesterday when Dr. Henry Kissinger spoke about his foreign policy philosophy for the world, on the Charlie Rose Show and often referred to the New World Order, which Charlie Rose, somewhat befuddled, ignored and continued talking about the micropolitics of today’s world while Dr. K spoke in terms of geo-poltics and macro-politics, as if Charlie were a bit naive and had to be borne with patience.
So, I am wondering about this topic of NWO.
What do DU’ers think about this?
Does it have any relevance to today’s events in the ME, Iran, Iraq, personal liberties, a strong /premier executive, religious fundamentalism of all flavors?
Since one could tie MWO into almost any issue I am wondering what you all think?
Is it tin foil hat non-sense or, is there something more than random half truths tied together by zany bloggers?
Here’s some info. For discussion and as an FYI.
novus ordo seclorum
“The phrase New World Order is a probable mistranslation of novus ordo seclorum (which literally means "new secular order" in Latin), part of the seal of the United States. The actual phrase "New World Order" was used by George Herbert Walker Bush in the context of post-Cold-War politics.” - there is one phrase tin foil hat conspiracy theorists love to hate it’s “New World Order.”
It seems to suit the conspiracy theorists on both the right and the left.
If you do a search on the term you will find all sorts of tie- in’s with the Illuminati, the TriLateral Commission, the Rand corp., the Bilderberg group, probably skull and bones -if you look hard enough. World Order Definition
It was quite amazing to hear Mr. Kissinger speak about his views on globalization and the “ New World Order” yesterday on the Charlie Rose Show, as if on script from some conspiracy mongering fringe group.
Then, I did a search on it. I guess it’s true and not new. Mr. K- has been tauting this idea for decades.
Silly us, here at DU, thinking in terms of provincial small time politics in limited terms such as the United States and dems vs. repugs, when guys like Mr. K think in geo-global terms of a New World Order.
Here for your enjoyment is some info. on this:
Here is how the right wing sees it. Paradoxically, they hate and fear the UN, gun control and used to fixate on Janet Reno, the ATF, Ruby Ridge and WACO as examples of encroaching one world rule.
>> "We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.."--
Bill Clinton USA Today--3-11-93, page 2a
"Gun registration is not enough"--Attorney Generral Janet Reno--12-10-93--Associated Press
"Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms
is the goal"--Janet Reno <<-, it is from the right that continued allusions to the New World Order continues to emerge.>>"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order . Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."
Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991 <<
>>The Bush doctrine announced by George Walker Bush, his son, in 2002, was the first attempt to make New World Order (or Bushtopia or UStopia or UStopiA as some started to call it scornfully) the basis of some kind of military order. He was successful only in putting together the so-called Coalition forces consisting of the US, UK, and some small number of Australian and Polish forces. A larger number of countries, some who refused to be named and others (like Denmark) who questioned US tactics (like the suspected kidnapping of a high-ranking Iraqi general under war crimes investigation and house arrest in Denmark on the very night Bush announced a 48-hour deadline for Saddam Hussein), were announced to be part of a "coalition of the willing" largely defined by White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, as if no political leader was willing to be affiliated with any statement on its exact definition nor its motivation. <<
->>''Too often America's India policy is justified as a way to contain China. But the reality has been that so far, India and America have found it in their interest to maintain a constructive relationshiop with China,'' Kissinger wrote in the Washington Post yesterday.
''America's global strategy benefits from the Indian participation in building a new world order. But India will not serve as America's foil with China, and will resent any attempts to use it in that role,'' he added.<<
- site has some interesting links and references:'s Warrior Twins
Christian & Islamic Fundamentalism have a lot in common
A chief similarity between Christian and Islamic fundamentalists is their patriarchal family structure and victimization of women. This is played out not only in private, but also in the public sphere where fundamentalisms rule. The appalling treatment of women in Afghanistan by the Taliban came to the forefront following 9/11....While US laws currently don't dictate female attire, not long ago it was sinful for women to show their ankles. Many were required to adhere to a strict and insufferable dress code. Though today's Christian fundamentalists do not generally require the head-to-toe garments worn by the Puritans of the past, many still allow only loose fitting dresses with high necklines, cut no shorter than the knee, often uncomfortable for the occasion or season.<<>>“The dominant trend of our time is globalization, marked by elimination of trade barriers, downsized governments, greater reliance on the private sector, reduced regulation of business, and an increasingly global economy.
Many people call that economic progress, but this form of globalization is actually political regression, threatening to destroy democratic institutions and revert to something resembling feudalism.
...The reason should be obvious: Globalization isn't about competition among nations, it's about the increasing power of mega-corporations over nations...”<< Kissinger: Now, Back to Defining a New World Order
07/12/2004-By Henry A. Kissinger** New World Order and the Alien Agenda>>Henry Kissinger knows which side of the bread has the butter.
Kissinger Quits as Chairman of 9/11 Panel
David Stout, New York Times
Dr. Kissinger had come under heavy criticism since his selection by President Bush last month.
Dr. Kissinger had resisted urgings that he divulge the clients of the consulting firm he founded after leaving government.
Could the disclosure requirements have been too much?<< Gives Bush Bad Advice on Iraq
October 2, 2006
Ivan Eland >>The American Ascendancy: How the United States Gained and Wielded Global Dominance. Michael H. Hunt. : University of North Carolina Press, 2007, 416 $34.95
Reviewed by G. John Ikenberry, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2007
>>A precondition for dominance was the extraordinary growth of the nation's economy from the nineteenth century onward, generating unmatched wealth and technological capabilities. But material prosperity depended on the building of a strong modern state that could govern and wield geopolitical power. Moreover, the "American century" was planned and engineered by political elites who embraced a distinctive American nationalism of "greatness"; it was not something that emerged inevitably from deeper historical forces. <<