Q: How did you become a press secretary?
"I came to Washington D.C. in August of 1995. I worked for Scott McInnis (former Colorado congressman) for two and a half months as a staff assistant.
And the Colorado Avalanche were playing their first game against the Washington Capitals,
and Coors had bought a whole bunch of tickets.
And the Colorado delegation got on a whole bunch of buses and went to the game,
and I ended up sitting next to a guy who said, “So, what do you want to do?” I said, “I’d like some day to work my way up to a press secretary position.”
And he said, “Do you know Congressman Dan Schaefer?” And he said, “His press secretary just got a new job.” I met Schaefer’s office the next day."
Q: What is a typical day like for you?
Well, like today ,
Let’s talk about today.
I get up at 4:30 a.m., shot from a cannon.
It really is like being shot from a cannon every morning.
You don’t have time to hit the snooze alarm, ever.
So, I hop up and I go get the newspaper
and hop on the elliptical machine,
and read the newspaper while I get some exercise.
I read the Washington Post
and the Wall Street Journal at home.
I can get ready now in 22 minutes. My husband
and I only have one car.
As a Westerner, I always had my own car,
but now we share one car.
He takes me to work.
He works from home, so that’s easier for him.
Then I get in here
and read the rest of the papers…
the national papers…
The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Times.
Sometimes I make it to the Financial Times.
Not always, because by 7 a.m., I have my first meeting with Tony
where we go over the news of the day -
to find out what sort of reporting we need to do,
what fact-gathering we need to do.
Then senior staff is at 7:30 a.m. Usually Tony goes, but sometimes I fill in for him."
http://blogs.denverpost.com/washington/2006/09/05/qa-white-house-spokeswoman-dana-perino/THIS IS GONNA BE FUN!!!!!!!