Prohibit Partial Birth Abortion -- Y
Partial Birth Abortion Ban of 1999 -- Y
Roe v. Wade Amendment -- N
Fetal Tissue Research Amendment -- Y
Flag Desecration Constitutional Amendment -- Y
Investigating Contracts in Iraq Amendment -- N
Financial Relief for Katrina Victims Amendment -- N
Congressional Commission on Hurricane Katrina -- N
Special Committee on Contracts in Afghanistan and Iraq -- N
Hate Crimes Amendment -- N
Judicial Review of Detainees Amendment -- N
National Commission on Detainees Amendment -- N
To Increase the Maximum Federal Pell Grant Amendment -- N
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Amendment -- N
Robert Gates -- Y
Samuel Alito -- Y
John Bolton -- Y
Patricia Owen -- Y
Negroponte, Gonzales, Rice -- Y, Y, Y
Federal Marriage Amendment -- Y
Hurricane Health Care for Survivors Amendment -- N
Medical Assistance and Prescription Drug Amendment -- N
Patients Bill of Rights -- N
Secure Fence Act of 2006 -- Y
Stem Cell Research Bill -- N
Planned Parenthood rating = 0
Right to Life rating = 100
ACLU rating = 36
NAACP rating = 5
Human Rights Campaign rating = 0
Christian Coalition rating = 100 (2004)
National PTA = 7
Children's Defense Fund = 11
Family Research Council = 83
NOW = 0
American Public Health Association = 10
Source: he knows how to read an opinion poll. Big frickin' deal.