As the House of Representatives narrowly passed legislation requiring most U.S. troops to leave Iraq by September 2008, 50% of Americans say they trust Democrats more than Republicans to handle the situation in Iraq. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 38% trust Republicans more on this topic. Those figures have been relatively constant for several months. On the eve of Election 2006, 49% trusted Democrats more on Iraq while 42% placed their trust in the GOP (see history).
A separate survey found that just 30% of Americans give the President good or excellent marks for his handling of the situation in Iraq.
Men prefer Democrats on Iraq by a narrow 48% to 43% margin. Women, however, have a very strong preference for Nancy Pelosi’s party. Fifty-two percent (52%) of women trust Democrats while just 35% have more confidence in Republicans.
On the broader question of National Security, the GOP fares better but not nearly as well as in years gone by. Forty-six percent (46%) of voters trust the Democrats more on National Security while 44% prefer Republicans. Men, on balance, prefer Republicans by three percentage points while women prefer Democrats by eight points. Still, a toss-up with voters on National Security is quite an improvement for Democrats. Ever since the Vietnam War era, National Security has been one of the Republican’s most potent issues.