An African-American and former State Lieutenant Governor was elected to the RNC Chair yesterday. It wouldn't be news if he was a Democrat (BTW the fraud tried to convince voters he WAS a Democrat in his last failed election bid against Ben Cardin, Steele lost the general election to Cardin on November 7, 2006, getting 44% of the vote to Cardin's 55%.The Washington Post reported that on election day the Steele campaign arranged for buses of low income people from Philadelphia to distribute fliers at polls. The flyer's contained incorrect information, including a statement that Michael Steele was endorsed by prominent state Democrats and African American leaders who had not, in fact, endorsed him. The homeless people were falsely identified as volunteers although they were paid, and the campaign funds used for this purpose of hiring the homeless were not timely or properly reported or attributed to the campaign.)
-TEN THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT MICHAEL STEEL- it IS news because he is a Republican. And as dishonest as the next Rethug. It will be interesting as the RNC takes off their sheets and tries to play "diversified".