... and yet we hear so much about accountability, right? Just the subject, itself, is unimagineably expansive and complicated. The "many other things they did wrong" are, in fact, inter-related and part of the origin of the current economic crisis. To wit: PNAC = 2000 election irregularities = ENRON = privatizing Social Security = Cheney's Energy Task Force = Kyoto = Iraq War = Valerie Plame outing = corporate outsourcing = Downing Street Memo = Abu Ghraib & Gitmo = Rove & Gonzalez = tax cuts for the rich = acquiescent press = the political industry = subprime meltdown = the bailout debacle = WHERE WE STAND TODAY. (...left out plenty, I know) They're all part of the same phenomenon. Focus on just one tree and you might overlook the forest, eh? In that convoluted context, the question becomes, "Who is really running this show?"
Who, indeed? It isn't Obama,.... it wasn't Bush or Cheney,.. and it sure as hell isn't the American electorate. And this is hardly a conspiracy theory; it's the natural order of things and it revolves around money. Simple as that. Follow the money.
My personal theory is that what the future holds for the planet,... and I mean the fairly long-term future,.... is discernible to those in the right position. And they are now preparing for whatever trainwreck is headed our way,...most likely a combination of environmental and overpopulation disasters, coupled with depletion of planetary resources. What we've been witnessing for years is the feathering of nests,.. the looting of the system,,... the hunkering down, if you will.
So,.... who's really at the top of the food chain?