That will help the WOMEN and CHILDREN of that poor, perpetually waring Nation.
I also hear that General "Peaches" Petraeus is going to be HONORED :wtf: at the Super Bowl Game Sunday. Ask Col Westhusing's family what they think of "the good" General's integrity? putting a bullet through his head, Westhusing had been deeply disturbed by abuses carried out by American contractors in Iraq, including allegations that they had witnessed or even participated in the murder of Iraqis. His suicide note included claims that his two commanders tolerated a mission based on "corruption, human right abuses and liars." One of those commanders: the future leader of the "surge" campaign in Iraq, Gen. Petraeus.
"When he was in Iraq, Westhusing worked for one of the most famous generals in the U.S. military, David Petraeus," Bryce observed last year. "As the head of counterterrorism and special operations under Petraeus,
Westhusing oversaw the single most important task facing the U.S. military in Iraq then and now: training the Iraqi security forces."Bryce referred to a "two-inch stack of documents, obtained over the past 15 months under the Freedom of Information Act, that provides many details of Westhusing's suicide....The documents echo the story told by Westhusing's friends. 'Something he saw
drove him to this,' one Army officer who was close to Westhusing said in an interview. 'The sum of what he saw going on drove him' to take his own life. 'It's because he believed in duty, honor, country that he's dead.'"
Petraeus and his morally bankrupt crones are in the process of ARMING a different group of THUGS and KILLERS in Afghanistan. But it will be OUR BOYS, ya know? :puke: