Edited on Sat Mar-24-07 04:55 PM by Cleetus
As most of you probably know, commercials on AM radio are so frequent and annoying that they become downright intrusive. While I'm glad that Jones and AAR affiliates are successfully attracting sponsors, when the commercials come, I usually switch to wingnut talk radio.
During a recent visit to the wingnuts I was welcomed by Nevada's newest Congressman, Dean Heller. Rep. Heller was on this nutjob Mander's talk show. Caller after caller were commenting on the lack of basic, essential supplies that our Servicemen and women were not receiving from the military before being deployed.
One caller mentioned that he was soliciting funds that would be dispersed to those men and women being shipped off to Iraq. He was looking for $30,000.
Rep. Heller said he would dig into his own pocket and donate what he could.
So this is all a Congressman could do? Dig in his pocket for a few bucks? Meanwhile, assholes Heller and host Manders, listening to caller after caller complain about our kids being deployed without being properly equipped didn't express the slightest bit of concern, much less outrage.
I don't get it. I suppose their idea of supporting the troops is to send them in harm's way, then when they come home, fuck them in a shithole like Walter reed, which the shurb has drastically cut funding to.
Someone should tell these assholes thre is more to supporting the troops, and patriotism in general, than sticking a "Support the Troops" ribbon on the back of the SUV and flying Old Glory off the front porch.