Edited on Sat Jan-31-09 03:20 PM by HughBeaumont
Do the consumers have to start spending again, or do corporations need to stop FIRING? Is one side simply waiting for the other side to make the first move, or is the country going to turn into one big Northeast Ohio before either one happens?
News flash. Unemployed, foreclosed, homeless and destitute people . . . can't and don't buy stuff.
Underemployed people . . . don't buy stuff.
People scared of losing their jobs . . . don't buy stuff.
People uncertain of their job and company status . . . don't buy stuff.
Why are they not buying stuff?
Simple. Thousand-plus layoff notices are happening DAILY, not just weekly. Layoffs only lead to more layoffs, which leads to no one (not even employed and scared people) buying stuff, which leads to more layoffs, etc.
Sooner or later, corporations, you're going to need this little thing we in the reality-based community call "BUSINESS".
AAaaaand, you can't GET business if no one's BUYING stuff, because they can barely afford the cost of living and are scared of getting fired. Or, worse yet, they're already fired and can't afford to buy anything; multiply this by 12 million.
So what needs to happen first?
I gotta tell you, bigwigs. You guys don't have a hell of a lot of options from where I'm sitting. Your discounts aren't working, your mass firings are only temporarily saving your precious bottom lines and leading to more layoffs in other areas of the economy, and you're sitting on the government dole (or using it to build plants overseas, give bonuses to your upper echelon or remodel your offices) rather than freeing up capital and lending like it was supposed to be used for.
Ever heard of the phrase "hiring freeze"? How about a "firing freeze"? Of course, that will mean one or two of your quarters might show a loss. Or not. After all, some companies planning layoffs made a profit last year. That would mean you'd have to take it on the chin and . . . suck it up. You know, just like all of US have to do in trying times.
Or are YOU all the only people whose lives CAN and MUST thrive and prosper at ALL times, no matter WHAT the cost to everything and anyone else?
Then again, you can simply not take my advice, think you can still run your businesses on the quarterly-profit-above-all, please-the-shareholder's-demands way of doing things and watch as this economy goes straight down the shitter, all from the cushy view at your comfy homes. Oh, and continue to buy luxury items which you would have anyway no matter HOW bad things go.
And for those few on here who say "not ALL wealthy people are monstrous bastards", "whut're they supposed tuh do, not cut jobs and close down?", "you think companies LIKE to fire people?"
First of all, I KNOW . . . there are benevolent rich people. Out there. Somewhere. But it's beyond argument that, compared to billionaires past (yes, I'm talking about the Robber Baron age), this set of wealthy people aren't even NEAR as benevolent or giving or understanding of their responsibility and role in society at large. For benevolence nowadays, there's Bill Gates, Buffet and Paul Allen. That doesn't make Gates a saint by any means, since he's a cheap-labor champion just like all the rest. After that, they're pretty much Jack Welch in a different suit.
Companies don't LOVE or HATE to fire people. That would imply it's personal. I think it's far worse than that. I think it's that they don't care one way or the other and see this as just the normal way of doing business, "this too, shall pass" and that's that. And that to me is a problem. In a corporation's canned layoff announcements, the words "tragic" and "unfortunate" come up quite often, but do they really mean it? PLEASE.
It's soulless, void of compassion and it's WRONG. It's lost productivity, more strain on the US treasury, more time and money lost with transition, make-up and or re-training, destroyed morale among the remaining workers and decimated economic conditions overall.
God, WHAT is the problem with thinking LONG TERM anymore? We're doing things completely back-asswards and yet still continue to operate in this short-term, make-profit NOW way of thinking. NOTHING is built from the top down. NOTHING. DEMAND creates work. DEMAND will happen if you give people a reason to bring it on.