Or also a modern day tale of "The Emperor has no Clothes" as told by Ray McGovern
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/coleen-rowley/honoring-a-whistleblower_b_162672.htmlNote: On Jan. 26, 2009, in Copenhagen, Denmark, former Danish military intelligence officer Frank Grevil was given the Sam Adams award for integrity in intelligence. The following is an extended version of the introductory remarks by former CIA intelligence analyst Ray McGovern.
Now, in truth, as they held up the supposed raiment, there was nothing there at all. But the swindlers were very clever. They told the king -- or was it the prime minister? -- that this was a magic suit and only a wise man would recognize this. But, to a fool the suit would be invisible.
Most important, they said the suit was distinctive for its so-called "weapons of mass destruction," and that if the king were a wise man he could readily see them in the fine fabric woven by clothier Bush Blair Rumsfeld Ltd.
The day for the rehearsal came, and the streets were lined with thousands and thousands of people. They had heard the story of the magic suit and wished to see it -- and appear wise -- like the king. And so they all were cheering like mad. That is, all but one fellow named Frank Grevil.
Now, it is understood that no one wants to appear completely out of step -- and particularly not at a celebratory parade. And so Major Grevil strained his eyes and directed his considerable analytical skills toward the king in his "magic suit"... and was shocked.
Grevil shouted:
"Look at the king! The king is in the altogether, he's altogether as naked as the day that he was born.
"The king is in the altogether; it's altogether the very least the king has ever worn!
"Call the court physician; call an intermission. The king is wide open to ridicule and scorn!
"The king is in the altogether, and it's altogether too chilly a morn."
The disruption caused by this burst of honesty was most unwelcome. You see, everyone but Grevil -- whether nobles like Sir Tony of Blair or commoners -- had their own reasons for going along with the king and pretending to see the WMD. And so they did.