they complain that the global warming activists like Gore and Suzuki are exaggerating the implications-and natcherly they also want their kids to enjoy clean planet etc but raising the issue is just self serving (Gore's a liberal 'icon')...they're advocating the people act in a way they (Al and David) conveniently don't, and that's typical liberal bs. etc inspired by this, i will send the mediawhore a email saying this: "Bill. good to hear your show friday exposing the global warming activists Gore ands Suzuki, their hypocrisy etc. With luck, everybody on earth will take your advice and pooh pooh the warnings about carbon-ization of the planet's atmosphere. Thus when the true enormity of putting several hundred billion tonnes of carbon into the air become too obvious even for you and folks like you, it'll be too late. An enraged humanity will commit suicide, somehow, Bill, as it distrusts and suspects everything the scientific community and pigmedia tries to say; and your kid (or kids) will be RIGHT in the crosshairs when all life peters out! hahaha! O love it Bill! God may ask yall why you fukked with his prophets, but you aint alone, so don't worry" (at root, i believe even the mediawhores really are frightened not only by the systemic need to pollute, by industry, and the lack of political will to stop it, but the spreading madness of flat earth-ism among the savage beasts called humanity says no matter what, we aint gonna make it. Lying is so temporarily satisfying to them, but they know it literally replaces truth, and what can anyone believe if the truth is a lie)