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Ahhhnuld, Charlie Crist and....yes....the Wasilla Wolf Killa break ranks with congress Repugs.....

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 10:36 AM
Original message
Ahhhnuld, Charlie Crist and....yes....the Wasilla Wolf Killa break ranks with congress Repugs.....
Edited on Sun Feb-01-09 10:38 AM by marmar
AP via HuffPost:

GOP Governors Press Congress To Pass Stimulus Bill
BETH FOUHY | January 31, 2009 09:30 PM EST |

NEW YORK — Most Republican governors have broken with their GOP colleagues in Congress and are pushing for passage of President Barack Obama's economic aid plan that would send billions to states for education, public works and health care.

Their state treasuries drained by the financial crisis, governors would welcome the money from Capitol Hill, where GOP lawmakers are more skeptical of Obama's spending priorities.

The 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, planned to meet in Washington this weekend with Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and other senators to press for her state's share of the package.

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist worked the phones last week with members of his state's congressional delegation, including House Republicans. Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas, the Republican vice chairman of the National Governors Association, planned to be in Washington on Monday to urge the Senate to approve the plan. .......(more)

The complete piece is at:

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FLAprogressive Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 10:37 AM
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1. Charlie Crist is OK for a repug but I wouldn't elevate him to Jesus just yet. ;)
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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 10:38 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Ooops.....
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Mudoria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 10:42 AM
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3. Governors have to live in the real world..
most have to have a balanced budgets and deal with their constituents on a daily basis. Folks in Washington seem to live in a detached existence from what I've seen.
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2Design Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 10:49 AM
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4. Governors have cut their states and now want the big government
to bail them out while not taking a hit for big government - crist has killed florida
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peekaloo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 10:55 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. I heard a report last week that stated Florida had cut too much
Edited on Sun Feb-01-09 10:57 AM by peekaloo
on schools to qualify for Fed money yet may still qualify in other areas. imo Crist is an empty suit. "The people's Governor" HA!
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seasat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 11:57 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. Charlie wants to avoid responsible tax reform.
That's the reasons Charlie is for the bail out. Our state needs a wider base for our tax system instead of being based on tourists and property. However, if a Repub did that, he'd sign his own political death warrant in our state.

It was bad before Jebbie took office and Jebbie made it worse by giving sales tax exemptions to any corporate special interest (air craft parts), eliminating the intangibles tax, and giving corporations a tax credit if they donated to his voucher program.

What we really need is either an progressive income tax and/or a wider base for the sales tax. Chameleon Charlie doesn't have the back bone to push for either of those. He's hoping for a bailout to keep from having to make even deeper cuts to our state budget. He's afraid that if he makes the cuts, he won't be as popular on the cocktail circuit in Tallahassee.
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tanyev Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 12:18 PM
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7. Let the freeper rationalization begin so that Queen Sarah may stay on their throne!
They're like human pretzels.

Posted on RedState

Alaska’s Sarah Palin supports the transportation component of the package. I can find no recorded position for Arizona’s new Republican Governor Jan Brewer, but the state assumes enactment of the stimulus package to help close a budget shortfall. Hawaii’s Linda Lingle is anticipating passage as well. Jim Gibbons is characterized in several places as a supporter, though I don’t see a formal statement. Rhode Island’s Don Carcieri ‘has great ways to spend it.’ Mike Rounds (SD) and Jon Huntsman (UT) sound like backers. Tim Pawlenty (MN) says he wouldn’t refuse the money, and John Hoeven (SD) sounds like has plans for the cash, too.

She supports the Infrastructure part of the stimulus package, already on record last week saying that. She wants no part of the rest of it


She's being pummeled by Alaska Democrats for not seeking more money. Don't believe all this propaganda.

Lawmakers say there are concerns that Palin is seeking too little federal stimulus money, and Alaska may not get its fair share.
She's only requested $150 million for 4 gasline-related projects and 1 project to upgrade the Kodiak missile battery. Furthermore from the above article:

Palin issued her list on Jan. 12, saying it would not be a good idea to ask for more, and cautioned it was necessary to be "mindful about the effect of the stimulus package on the national debt."

This is just another lame MSM attempt to divide and conquer with Palin as a juicy target with her being in DC this weekend. Don't fall for it. That doesn't mean that a buch of RINO governors don't have their hands out. Unfortunately they do.


Bear in mind that the RATs have taken many, many projects that would otherwise receive funding under traditional budget processes and wrapped them into this monstrosity (or so I've heard). After all, part of the scheme to get the 40 years of liberal goodies is to put in essentials, making a no vote a bad risk.

Under those circumstances, it makes sense for ANY governor to seek some clarity for the important stuff. Judge not on the dialog but on what is actually being sought. Trying to protect a pipeline project that is vital not only to Alaska's economy but also the nation is a far cry from Ahnold looking for money to prop up Kalifornia's drunken-sailor spending binge.

Now, if Sarah uses language like Alaska's "fair share", shame on her. But I don't expect that to be the case.


There is no doubt in my mind that Sarah thinks this stimulus is garbage and bad for the nation.
That being said, she probably feels she is saying all she can. People can agree or disagree with that approach but it's clear to me where she stands. Governors are in a far different position than congessmen/women. If she starts speaking purely as a national politician, she will NOT be re-elected in 2010. She's already getting the crap beat out of her up in Alaska for her trips, etc.

etc., etc., etc.;page=1

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