“MN’s WCCO CH4 news’ “Reality Check” segment destroys, point-by-point, a new intentionally misleading Sopranos-spoof TV ad by the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, which is actually a cartel of national business groups including the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) and Wal-Mart, masquerading as a pro-union, pro-worker group on behalf of Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN) against his Democratic challenger Al Franken.
The ad exploits “a distorted stereotype of the Mafia, and of labor unions as tools of organized crime” to misrepresent legislation that, despite what the ad implies, would actually make it easier for workers to organize unions.~~~~~~~~Crooks and Liars ~~~~~~~~
WalMart has beeen vociferous in its anti-union stance. Just last week thee was a thread here about the Home Depot exec suggesting anyone GOP who DIDN'T send money to Coleman should be shot.
I don't know if WalMart,or a PR rep for WalMart was on that call,but whichever corporations received Federal bailout $$ and was conspiring against EFCA can be prosecuted for RICO.