If you want to bring the peace movement to the front pages of your local newspaper here is a sure fired way. Since December 2004 we have displayed in our front yard orange marker flags
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/0124-07.htm in a grid fashion to remind our community of the deaths of American soldiers in the Iraq invasion. We choose orange because orange is the international color of distress. We also felt that 1250 small American flags would be too expensive to replace as they became soiled over time. We have placed small American flags in the corners of our display. This is a memorial to those who have died in the Iraq invasion. It is also a memorial to all Americans who serve in the armed services. This simple display brings the war home for many who do not feel connected to it.
Today, in a newspaper from a neighboring city, there is an article about a man who has placed 3235 American flags in memory of the soldiers. There it is, on the front section of a major newspaper one more time. Local debate has begun anew.
If you have the desire to give your community a visual image of how many soldiers have lost their lives in Iraq you can do it with very little money. You will get television and newspaper coverage in short order. People in your world will see first hand how many have died for this cause.
You can erect this as a ‘permanent memorial’ or move it from place to place. It can be set up for Memorial Day then taken down and stored until the Forth of July. Ours is permanent and we have had volunteers from our community help maintain the memorial over the years.
Our display using the plastic orange marker flags cost less than $200 when ordered on the internet. This is a small price to pay for the exposure it gives this life or death cause. The time has come for all of us to work together to get this war stopped. This visual display will speak to your representatives in Congress and drive the message home.
If you have any questions about this you can personal message me and I will be happy to help you.
Peace on Earth, Kim