. . .a lot of folks in political circles and Chicago's gay community new this open secret but it never got into the the MSM. Well in today's
Chicago Sun-Times Huberman mentions that he came out to his parents when he was 15. The amazing and refreshing thing about the way the
Chicago Sun-Times handled it is that it is not in the headline and its not mentioned until the 11th paragraph.
Ron Huberman: The mayor's manRON HUBERMAN | Daley's teacher's pet takes charge of Chicago Public SchoolsJanuary 31, 2009
BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter/fspielman@suntimes.com
If there was any doubt Ron Huberman was the teacher's pet, Mayor Daley eliminated it last week.
"I have utmost faith in him," the mayor said. "I can go to sleep at night, just close my eyes. I don't have to worry about Ron Huberman."
At 15, while attending Lyons Township High School, Huberman made a declaration that, at first, was difficult for his parents to accept: He's gay.
"It's always difficult for kids. It was difficult for my parents at first. But they've become very accepting and very supportive," said Huberman, who lives with a partner who's a friend from college. They reconnected four years ago.
"It has given me a great sensitivity for the need to be inclusive. If I didn't grow up being part of a group that was viewed differently, I may not have that sensitivity. It makes me in tune to individuals, groups and others who are not fitting in and may need extra support."
While he has an unusual perspective on the issue, Huberman refused to say where he stands on the stalled proposal for a gay high school.