Lest you wonder, a Sen. Liz Hager would caucus with the Republicans, especially moderates like Olympia Snowe, and would be delighted to stay for just two years. Dean John Hutson has no comment. And former governor Walter Peterson says he intends to "just be cool about it and wait and see."
The news that President Barack Obama was considering New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg for Secretary of Commerce - and that Gregg, a Republican, wasn't dismissing the idea - set off a flurry of speculation yesterday about the next potential U.S. senator from New Hampshire.
For Hager, a former Republican House member from Concord and frequent party-line-crosser who endorsed Obama this year, two years would be plenty in the Senate. "I will be sure to call the governor because I would be honored to go down there with Sen. Shaheen," she said.
http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090131/FRONTPAGE/901310377&template=page2Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm............. Sounds okay, but.............