If your erection lasts more than 4 hours, consult your doctor; if your illegal war lasts more than 4 years, consult your strategist; if your unelected, criminal president lasts more than 6 years, consult your conscience.
:hi: :hi: :hi: :hi: :hi: :hi: :hi: :hi: :hi:
The Reaganist “Morning In America” idiot smilie face,
taken to extreme lengths
If your erection last more than four hours, there is a sense of urgency. You know it. You and anyone in the immediate vicinity are affected and can’t ignore the facts, the concern-- even the Emergency-- of the situation. It’s personal, it’s painful, it's frightening-- it’s right there, right now.
If your illegal war lasts more than four years, it may be easier to ignore the facts, the concern and urgency of the situation, unless you have family or friends caught in the crosshairs, lives destroyed by IEDS and minds destroyed by what they’ve seen up close and personal. Otherwise, it’s out there, somewhere.
If your (twice) unelected president lasts more than six years, the distance from events and decisions made at that level are easy to ignore-- we’re told Americans don’t sit up and take notice until gas prices start rising. It’s just not our problem, until it is...
The national propaganda-induced erection continues, as do the illegal war deaths and destruction; as do the lies and games and pomp and circumstance in the White House and on The Hill. The impeachable offenses pile up like Gulf War coffins and yet somehow the Congress and the American people are strongarmed into pretending that there is not enough EVIDENCE, that the case and the votes aren’t STRONG enough-- pretending that the Emperor’s Clothes are OH SO FANTASTIC.
Where is the sense of urgency?
Unfortunately, those that feel-- directly and personally-- that sense of urgency, who choose to exercise their (alleged) rights as American citizens, who act on the promise of freedom of speech and of assembly and their right to petition their government, on behalf of themselves, their families, their communities and even of the future of this nation......... those who KNOW how urgent the situation is and are MOTIVATED to ACT, to act BECAUSE of that urgency, are ctiticized by the spectator patriots, the comfy/cozy smilie face Enzyte addicts, who're happy if they can fill the gas tank and keep up appearances, no matter who it hurts.
During the 1996 California Democratic Progressive Caucus Impeachment Forum hosted by Mike Malloy, it was clear that the disconnect between the American people and elected officials in Congress IS the problem.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=364&topic_id=1069705After her introduction (and an impressive list of committee memberships, including Judiciary, Representative Maxine Waters pointed out that she is also the Chair of the House Out of Iraq caucus. She said that she was in Congress during the Clinton impeachment “infidelity pales in comparison to what this president has done.” All the primary reasons for impeachment-- violating FISA law, using torture and using detention/rendition-- are high crimes and misdemeanors.
Rep. Waters said that after 9-11, this administration “fashioned this phony war on terrorism.” After 9-11, people were afraid and that fear was used. “People are afraid and they are being taken advantage of.”
When she discusses why Congressional Democrats are “not moving aggressively to resist this president,” she hears a lot of “He’s the president” and “He’s the commander in chief” as an excuse for inaction. So, Rep. Waters says, “Let’s impeach Cheney!”
Rep. Waters pointed out that members of Congress are used to being “organized into the possible and impossible” and they “view their work in terms of possibility of success.”
Rep. Waters acknowledged that if we “educate and explain and engage” the public, impeachment can serve as a “vehicle by which you can remind people” of the way government works.
It seemed that from the perspective of Congress, they don’t understand what the public really thinks. “I would think that people are so........”
The crowd filled in the blank during the Congresswoman’s pause: “OUTRAGED!”
“.....outraged, I would think people would be out in the streets...”
The disconnect between We, The People and our elected representatives is dangerous, it is deadly. It is something else, maybe not deadly, but sickening, when clueless Americans criticize those Americans who GET that this is an EMERGENCY, this is RIGHT NOW... It is reprehensible that smug and artificially enhanced Americans are pissing on the very citizens who are fighting for ALL our rights and for the future of this nation-- and the planet.
"The Gutless Mini-Politics of the Congressional Democrats" --Lindorff
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=389&topic_id=494469&mesg_id=494469Modus Operandi
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=389&topic_id=492352&mesg_id=492352“Time for the Iraqis to step up to the plate”