In order to get tax cuts one must pay taxes. For the average American, paying taxes means having a job. The only people who will benefit from a tax cut these days are the wealthy and eight years of Friedman economics have proved that tax cuts for the wealthy do nothing for the economy other that create bubbles in the stock market. The stimulus has to put the nation back to work so Americans can get wages they can be taxed on. Yet, Republican politician after Republican politician are up there on their podiums beating the tax cut drum. One Senator even said the reason Democrats like taxes is because they don't pay them. He was referring to Tom Daschle. Honestly, it isn't rocket science and those Senators and Representatives know better. They just figure that you, their constituents, are too stupid to figure this out. It seems this has been true in the last eight years. I hope this time the scales will drop from your eyes and you will see that you have been played like a harp by those greedy, money aristocrats on this issue among many others.