Lincoln famously (and maybe apocryphally*) said, "How many legs would a dog have if we called the tail a leg. Four. Calling a dog's tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
I would add this: How many legs would a dog have if we called the hind legs dorsal fins? Four. Calling them something other than legs doesn't make them not legs.
Calling poor people "welfare queens" when they're trying to house, feed, and clothe a family on less per month than a Republican Senator spends on one trip to a diaper fetish hooker doesn't make them welfare queens.
Calling corporate welfare queens by some alternative euphemism does not make them not corporate welfare queens. Calling dishonest sleazebags "capitalists" or "corporate titans" does not make them anything other than sleazebags.
Calling peanuts for the poor "the dole" and a "culture of dependency" and calling hundreds of billions for corporate greed junkies "capitalism" does not make either of them so.
Calling it "capitalism" when gigantic companies pay out tens of billions of dollars in bonuses to the incompetent and dishonest sleazebags who drove the companies to the brink of bankruptcy and then asking for hundreds of billions of dollars from taxpayers to bail out their stupidity and pillaging does not make it capitalism. Using the taxpayers' money for fatcat boondoggles to luxury resorts, for corporate jets, and for acquisitions that change them from too-big-to-fail to too-bigger-to-fail does not make it capitalism either.
Calling torture "enhanced interrogation techniques" does not make it not torture.
Calling tax cuts a "stimulus" when all the economic evidence shows that they are not stimulative does not make them a stimulus.
Calling hate "loving the sinner" does not make it love. Love that is indistinguishable from hate is not love at all.
Calling unfair and unbalanced lying "fair and balanced" does not make it fair and balanced.
Calling a pack of lies a "slam dunk" does not make it anything other than a pack of lies.
Calling a war for the benefit of war profiteers a war of self-defense does not make it self-defense.
Calling the party of fiscal profligacy "the party of fiscal responsibility" does not make it so.
Calling lockstep obstructionism "bi-partisanship" does not make it bi-partisanship.
* For doubters and history double-checkers, here is a site that sources a firsthand account of Lincoln saying something similar: