by the Company We Keep?
Republicans made a lot of fuss about Barack Obama’s associations during last year’s presidential campaign. Now that same standard might come back to haunt them.
Because Obama attended church where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright preached, the GOP told us it must mean that Obama shared all of Wright’s incendiary beliefs about the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the origin of the AIDS virus. Because Obama lived near ex-‘60s radical William Ayers and attended some of the same events, they breathlessly added that it must mean Obama approves of blowing up public buildings.
Check out the photograph of Portman with Jim Schifrin, publisher of The Whistleblower, a gossipy Web-based newsletter that’s been around for more than a decade. Schifrin, who calls himself Charles Foster Kane after the newspaper magnate in the classic film Citizen Kane, is frequently criticized for writing racist and misogynistic comments as regular parts of The Whistleblower’s content, including a recent joke about Obama’s assassination.
What, then, does that say about Rob Portman, the former GOP congressman who is the odds-on favorite to run for George Voinovich’s seat in the U.S. Senate in 2010?
Here’s an odious excerpt about a recent lunch Schifrin allegedly had with Deters. It stated, “…Hamilton County Prosecutor ‘JayWalking Joe’ Deters, although McCain’s Southwest Ohio Chairman did find time to sample the hot and sour soup at the King Wok in Clifton on Friday with Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane, where the pair compared the latest tasteless Obama jokes, such as: Q: What do Abe Lincoln, JFK, Martin Luther King Jr. and Obama have in common? A: Nothing, yet!
It continued, “Q: What's the difference between Sarah Palin naked and Michelle Obama naked? A: Playboy and National Geographic!”
This story was also picked up by the Cincinnati Enquirer: sounds like he'll have a "macaca" moment before 2010.