Few words needed.
Requirements for OfficeMany years ago, the saying was vote the Democrats in office and we would have a war. Vote the Republicans in and we would have a depression.
Things have changed once again. We have a Republican in office, and we have both a war and a depression - any way you look at it.
It used to be anyone running for a high office had to be intelligent and know what was going on around him.
Things have changed once again - now all he needs is lots and lots of money, and he doesn't have to know his foot from his ankles.
And another short one, short and to the point.
Fighting Never EndsWe know that, on 9/11, 19 members of al-Qaida murdered some 3,000 Americans.
We also know, according to Stephen Hadley, on a recent showing of the TV program "Today," that al-Qaida member Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi was in Iraq.
Therefore, at George Bush's direction, we invaded Iraq, citing for one reason a connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida.
After four years of war we know that Abu Musab al Zarqawi is dead. We also know that more than 3,000 of our finest sons and daughters are dead, and another 20,000 are wounded - many permanently maimed, mentally as well as physically.
And it goes on and on and on.