I remember the day I first heard the phrase "50 year mortgage". It was back in 2003. It was the first time I had heard it in the context of being a serious/real mortgage option.
I thought to my self at the time - is this for real? Could it be?
My first thought was who in their right mind would want such a mortgage? Obviously a 50 year term was being offered because prices had risen so high, and wages had NOT kept up, that it was starting to become necessary in order for people to even make minimum payments. Of course I knew we would see serious trouble in the future, but that is a different post.
50 year mortgage. Think about that. If the housing situation had not gone to hell - let's pretend the economy was still appearing to work just fine today - people would likely now be considering a 50 year mortgage both necessary and acceptable.
Most people in such a mortgage would likely never truly own their own home. Let's be realistic. Let's say you bought a home at 25 years old. Your last payment would be on your 75th birthday. TEN YEARS AFTER YOU (IN THEORY) WOULD HAVE "RETIRED". Should you be so lucky to live that long of course. The bank of course all those years makes off with a bundle in interest. Who the hell considers it acceptable to own ones home 10 years past retirement age? I think even 30 years is pushing it.
What scares the hell out of me is that the typical American citizen is willing to finance damn near every aspect of their life. They are willing to finance their home, their car, their education, their consumer purchases, even their damn grocery store purchases and medical care expenses. After the bankruptcy reform legislation passed it essentially blocked most people who eventually "maxed out" on all the financing from EVER escaping required monthly payments to the banks possibly until the day they died.
Every day we make payments to our overlords at Citi, Chase, Bank of America, etc. They own EVERYTHING. We pay them for the privilege of maybe one day paying for it all and actually owning it our selves for the few remaining years we are around.
Now I am not saying we should be able to live like kings. But god damn - why the HELL should I have to go in to debt for 20 years to pay for medical care? For 20 years to pay for education? For 50 years to own a home? For who knows how many years on revolving debts?
Now the corporate executives at these banks take our freaking 401K money (in the form of worthless stock that it is invested in), and now our tax dollars... all the while they are living like kings buying 50 million dollar jets and redecorating their offices for $1 million. And this is just what we know about folks. I can only imagine the shit that the media does not report.
We have millions who have been laid off. Why there are not protests in the streets amazes me. The founders of this country are rolling over in their graves.