I watched "So Goes the Nation" after the 2004 election. It was about Ohio, and how the GOP got out the religious vote. It was heartbreaking, and I did not agree with so much of it. But I did agree with Ken Mehlman surprisingly. I will paraphrase him. He said he could not remember when an "out" party had gotten voted "in" unless they put forth ideas that the "in" party did not.
In that film George Bush kept saying over and over...that we may not agree with him but we knew where he stood. He did not care if we agreed. It did not matter. He was doing his thing to win.
I think our ideas and policies were far better for the country than were those of
the "in" group. But I do not think we got them across powerfully enough. We were trying to appeal to their base far too much, while they were working quietly getting out "more" of their base.
After the 2006 election, when we won Congress back...there were consultants
on TV on every news station saying how vital it is we all work together. The same extremists who have driven our economy into the ground, lied us into war, and divided us on every topic....then at that moment wanted us to be nice to each other. They said we should work together so we would not be so divided. The media pushed that theme.
Molly Ivins noticed this. She wrote about it.
NOW they are all for bipartisanship.Yes, NOW they are all for it. And they are doing the same thing in 2009, and we are joining their chorus of post partisanship.
Having watched election coverage nonstop all week, I sometimes wake screaming, "Bipartisanship!" and scare myself.
Of all the viral members of the media who have been suggesting that the Dems cooperate with their political opponents, the one who rendered me almost unconscious with surprise was Newt Gingrich. Newt Gingrich, the Boy Scout. Newt Gingrich, the man who sat there and watched Congress impeach and try Bill Clinton for lying about having an extramarital affair while he, Newt Gingrich, was lying about having an extramarital affair. (This all took place during his second marriage. The first one ended when he told his wife he was divorcing her while she was in the hospital undergoing cancer treatment.)
This is the level of Republican hypocrisy that reminds us all how far the Dems have to go. I tell you what. Let's all hold hands together and sing, "Oh the Farmers and the Cowboys Should Be Friends!" Just not, please, Newt Gingrich, the man whose contribution to civility was to recommend that all Democrats be referred to with such words as cowards, traitors, commies, godless, liars and other such bipartisan-promoting terms.
....."OK, it's not the 19th century anymore, but it is always the right time to point out the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. Honest. There stands George W. Bush, buck nekkid. We want to help him out of this fix because he's dragging the whole Army, the country and the world down with him. But don't ask us to call those clothes.
One of my favorite sayings about bipartisanship came from the Horse's Ass blog.
Bipartisanship mean Democrats caving and crossing the aisle.
When the media establishment moralistically calls for more bipartisanship, this is what they are talking about: Democrats caving and crossing the aisle to vote with the Republican block. It almost never happens the other way around on the most important issues of the day. Almost Never.
The issue here was simple. Is simulated drowning torture, and thus illegal? Mukasey, soon to be our nation’s top law enforcement official, refused to say. So this noble display of bipartisanship now confirms that the United States of America is a nation that condones torture.
F*** bipartisanship.
BipartisanshipIt's interesting that "partisan" is one of the words applied to Howard Dean in a series of
anonymous hit pieces in major media right after he stepped down as chairman.
Here is one:
Mr. Dean certainly had a liberal fan club pushing for him. A medical doctor by training, he burst onto the presidential scene in 2004 on the strength of his "universal health care" plan as governor of Vermont. The militant Netroots crowd -- which he was among the first Democrats to cultivate -- has remained loyal and has been howling for his appointment. Some left-wing Democrats also felt he deserved the job as payment for the electoral victories he oversaw as head of the DNC.
Back in reality, however, Mr. Obama was having none of it. Plenty of top Democrats were fine with letting Mr. Dean run the DNC. His attack-dog style and Internet savvy were well suited to a job that was focused on winning elections. But his personal aggressiveness couldn't be more at odds with Mr. Obama's cool demeanor. And putting Mr. Dean in control of one of Mr. Obama's most cherished initiatives (health care) would've made John McCain's Sarah Palin pick look safe.
President Obama may find that his goal of post partisanship, bipartisanship just may not work with this bunch of extremist Republicans.
The veiled myth of post-partisanship was revealed as the curtain was pulled back on the House vote on the stimulus package yesterday: The bill passed with no Republican support. That, even after Mr. Obama tossed women's health aside and caved into Republican demands to cut out hundreds of millions of dollars to provide birth control to low-income women.
If Mr. Obama's definition of post-partisanship is a more cordial, less harsh atmosphere in which to discuss partisan disagreements, then certainly he's done better on that front than President Bush. That's not only because he's reached out to Republicans, it's also because he's governing, or attempting to govern, or wants to be seen as governing, from the center. Bush governed from the extreme right with a "Democrats begone" attitude.
Hubby and I were talking today with a local Democratic leader. He was using the language of post partisanship to the extreme. We told him we needed a break here for a while. We explained why..that it was in part about the snubbing of Dean. We realized then that he and others here don't have any idea how we worked for the party, how the spreading out to other states worked....none of it.
It was a clueless conversation. It is like the effort now to be so bipartisan with rabid extremists. It won't work. I think Obama is smart enough to figure it out soon.