Our AP geography teacher (and an excellent one) has served two tours in Afghanistan and is still a reservist. He told me these things today while I worked in his classroom working on next year enrollments:
1. Clinton had two opportunites to get Osama. So, it was his fault that 9/11 happened. I mentioned the PDB in August, and Bush's non-response. Said it wasn't his fault, only in office 8 months. He did go on how much he hated Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, but not a single negative word about Bush and Cheney.
2. Liberals are a rare breed in the military, and there is a miniscule amount of Democrats. He told me roughly 70 percent of the military that he knows are registered Republicans and 20 percent are independents.
3. Countries where our soldiers are fighting - the natives respect us more than, say, the Europeans because they turn and run (withdraw their troops). Americans stay and fight side by side with their allies. European countries are too liberal to make a committment to war.
4. I mentioned Richard Clarke, Plame, etc. While he did agree with me that the Plame affair was terrible, he didn't give much creedence to Clarke. He said Clarke was a bitter man (see, my friend knows someone who works with Clark. Okay, inside info). Still didn't address the part about Clarke's message to Bush that Al Quida was behind 9/11, while Bush kept stating "check Saddam."
5. All this time, my friend was kind of condescending to me. You see, the military should run the whole show, apparently, and we civilians are a stupid lot. I told him I believed in the principles that he supposedly fought for, and I mentioned habeaus corpus and the Constitution. He said Barrack was stupid to put enemy combatant soldiers on our shores, that it would "piss off" the Muslime world. Like they aren't pissed off already?,I mentioned.
6. He already hates Obama, calling him a liar because he was to introduce change, and it's the same old good ol boy network. While I mentioned I was a little concerned with some of the appointments, I was still much more impressed than what we had a couple of weeks ago.
7. My friend calls himself an independent. I said that was a cop out - you have the talking points down from the right. He mentioned he was pro-Green, and what Republican would support that?
A lot of stuff, but the question - are his numbers right concerning percentages of the military's political affiliation. I know quite a few vets here on this board, and I betcha he is going wayyyy overboard on his numbers.
Anyway, I typed this in a hurry because I have to get back to the classroom. I will be back at about 2 CST to see if there are any responses. Sorry for the lack of organization, but I only had a few minutes to type.