about health care reform and Social Security reform for that matter. I don't know if he would want to but if the issue is having someone who knows how to manage Washington politics, I think he's every bit as competent as Daschle. Here's what he says about health care
Click here for 46 full quotes on Health Care OR 56 older headlines OR other candidates on Health Care OR background on Health Care.
1992: Desire to head healthcare reform usurped by Hillary. (Jun 2007)
Claim that drugmakers spend more on ads than R&D isn’t true. (Oct 2000)
Physicians, not HMO should make medical decisions. (Oct 2000)
Drug companies spend more on ads than on research. (Oct 2000)
Opposes Medical Savings Accounts; they segment out the sick. (Oct 2000)
Claims Bush puts Texas oil interests before healthy children. (Oct 2000)
Claims of Bush’s choices & benefits are underestimated. (Oct 2000)
Stronger penalties for HMOs who drop seniors. (Sep 2000)
Foster competition in drug research; companies misspend R&D. (Aug 2000)
Curb excess pharmaceutical profits made at consumer expense. (Jul 2000)
$30B over 10 years to help families with elder care. (Jun 2000)
Against assisted suicide; but leave it to the states. (May 2000)
Get generic drugs to market quickly & cheaply. (Mar 2000)
Let FDA regulate cigarettes; fight teenage smoking. (Mar 2000)
Focus on prevention to limit costs. (May 1999)
No discriminating based on genetic information. (Nov 1998)
Remove stigma & treat mental illness like physical illness. (May 2000)
Insurance coverage
Step by step, fill in the gaps in health care. (Oct 2000)
Wants some form of non-government universal health care. (Oct 2000)
Cover 12 million uninsured at a 10-year cost of $157 billion. (Sep 2000)
Move toward universal health coverage, step by step. (Aug 2000)
All children should have health care by 2004. (Apr 2000)
Expand Children’s Health Insurance Program for working poor. (Mar 2000)
$146B over 10 years to insure 90% of adults & 100% of kids. (Oct 1999)
Medicare + Medicaid
Medicare Rx plan: you choose, Medicare pays. (Oct 2000)
Put Medicare in lockbox so seniors can afford prescriptions. (Oct 2000)
Protect Medicare’s funds with “lockbox”. (Sep 2000)
Modernize Medicare with choice, efficiency, competition. (Sep 2000)
Too many seniors have to choose between drugs and rent. (Sep 2000)
Senior prescription drug benefit with $4,000 cap. (Sep 2000)
Allow 55-65 year olds to buy into Medicare. (Sep 2000)
Free preventive cancer screenings for Medicare beneficiaries. (Sep 2000)
$253B for Medicare prescriptions & subsidized premiums. (Sep 2000)
1997 Medicare cuts went too far-put back $339B. (Aug 2000)
Health Care Trust Fund to expand coverage. (Jun 2000)
$300B over 15 years to keep Medicare solvent. (Mar 2000)
Patient Rights
Patient Rights: power to doctors; right of appeal. (Oct 2000)
Supports Dingell-Norwell Patient Bill of Rights. (Oct 2000)
Encourage competition, ensure choice, stop abuses. (Sep 2000)
Private medical information should not be bought and sold. (Sep 2000)
Enforce HMO coverage of women’s cancer treatment. (Sep 2000)
Patients have right to more access, protection, recourse. (Jul 2000)
25% tax credit for health insurance; HMO appeals. (Mar 2000)
Patient rights: emergency coverage & performance disclosure. (Jan 2000)
Patients and doctors should decide who gets what care. (Oct 1999)
Establish "report cards" on HMO quality of care. (Aug 2000)