Dick Lugar (R-Indiana) has come out with a plan to raise the federal gasoline tax by $1/gallon, while also offering taxpayers a $14/week rebate on payroll taxes. He figures that the payroll rebate will negate the higher taxes for gasoline and it will be revenue neutral. Americans use about 140 billion gallons of gasoline a year, so this is roughly $140 billion new revenue (perhaps less because in time people will drive less or buy more fuel efficient vehicles).
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/30/AR2009013002728.htmlhttp://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/015/949rsrgi.aspOn the surface it seems like an ok idea. Raise gas taxes to decrease demand while also giving businesses more incentive to create alternatives and higher MPG cars. He doesn't say if the money will be used on renewable energies or if it will be used to fix the underfunding of Medicare and Social security.
Part of me worries that this is just a covert attempt by the GOP to bankrupt medicare and social security be cutting funding for these programs by about $130 billion a year. However, again, he doesn't say if the money will just replace what is lost from the lower taxes on these programs or if it will be used to help speed up alternative fuels.
If the latter, then $140 billion a year is excessive. The Apollo alliance claims we can end dependence on foreign oil in 10 years for $50 billion a year. Seeing how we import 10 million barrels a day this sounds unrealistic. But who knows.
Sadly its political suicide, even with the payroll tax break.