Obama tells us:
"We are the ones we have been waiting for."
Howard Dean always called us:
"the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Dean#Message_and_themesDennis Kucinich is telling the press:
"I'm an American taxpayer." (one of us)
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=385x267921Where did we riot?
http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/talk/blogs/robert_reich/2009/02/tom-daschle-and-the-populist-r.phpTom Daschle and the Populist Revolt
February 3, 2009, 3:08PM
Tom Daschle's surprise withdrawal today shocked most Washington insiders -- after all, Daschle had been a key figure in the Senate, was Obama's pick for a major role in the new administration, would very likely have done a superb job getting a new health-insurance system enacted, and, probably could have mustered enough votes to be confirmed. So what happened? My guess is that official Washington underestimated the public's pique at what appeared to be the old ways of Washington. Hill staffers tell me that many offices have been inundated with telephone calls, emails, letters and faxes expressing concern (to put it mildly) about Daschle -- not only his failure to pay back taxes but his relationships with major players in the health care industry and rich consulting contracts with the private sector since leaving the Senate, and even the fact that he was given a car and driver by one of them.
What's going on here? Maybe official Washington, much like most of Wall Street, is still not quite getting it.
I'm sorry Tom Daschle won't be in the Obama administration. He would have served the public well and with distinction. But the public wants change, real change, big change. There's no tolerance any longer for the way things used to be done.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123371136824046167.html?mod=googlenews_wsjFebruary 4, 2009
After Uproar, Wells Fargo Calls Off Trip to Las Vegas
Wells Fargo & Co. hastily canceled plans to host a Las Vegas employee conference after lawmakers in Washington learned about the trip and heaped criticism on the bank.
The San Francisco bank said it decided to cancel the four-day event "in light of the current environment." Government money wasn't to be used for the meeting, the company said.
Initially, a spokesman for Wells Fargo said in a statement, the bank wasn't going to back away from holding the conference. Just hours later, as television networks and bloggers pummeled the bank, Wells Fargo began backpedaling.
First, a spokesman asked journalists to "disregard" the earlier statement. Then the bank put out a new release about the cancellation of the event, which it said was not a "junket" but a "meeting and recognition event for the hard-working team members who made homeownership achievable and sustainable for borrowers across the nation."
Where we go next:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/02/02/generals-seek-to-reverse_n_163070.html Generals Seek To Reverse Obama's Iraq Withdrawal Decision
WASHINGTON, Feb 2 (IPS) - CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus, supported by Defence Secretary Robert Gates, tried to convince President Barack Obama that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months at an Oval Office meeting Jan. 21.
But Obama informed Gates, Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen that he wasn't convinced and that he wanted Gates and the military leaders to come back quickly with a detailed 16-month plan, according to two sources who have talked with participants in the meeting.
Obama's decision to override Petraeus's recommendation has not ended the conflict between the president and senior military officers over troop withdrawal, however. There are indications that Petraeus and his allies in the military and the Pentagon, including Gen. Ray Odierno, now the top commander in Iraq, have already begun to try to pressure Obama to change his withdrawal policy.
A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilising public opinion against Obama's decision.
We riot. Keep writing, calling, faxing, showing up.