The Live Sunflower Playhouse
This is a great outdoor live playhouse that does not cost much! The walls are made of sunflower stalks. The roof is made of the Morning Glory Vine. All you need to grow your living playhouse is a bit of earth, a ruler, a shovel, a garden rake and some string. Leave the rest to Mother Nature.
Suggested seeds: Giant Greystripe for your sunflower seeds and Heavenly Blue for your Morning Glory seeds.
How to plant.
1. Find a place that gets a lot of sun and is 6'x6' or smaller if you want. You can make it square, round or rectangular.
2. Dig up the soil about 8 " deep on the perimeter of your 6'x 6' square . Leave grass in the middle. Remove weeds and break up big clumps. Rake the soil smooth.
3. Soak the Morning Glory seeds over night in warm water so they will sprout quickly. Do not soak the Sunflower seeds.
4. Make a 6' x 6' square trench 1/2 " deep . On one side make a 2' wide door . Do not plant seeds in your doorway.
5. Sow 2-3 sunflower seeds 12' apart and cover them 1/2 ". At the same time use your finger to make a circle around each spot and sow 4 Morning Glory seeds in the circle. Space the seeds evenly and cover them 1/2".
6.Soak the soil lightly with water. Check every day and keep evenly moist for the first four weeks. Then water just when the soil is dry.
7. When the Sunflowers are 2"-3" tall, thin them with scissors to leave just one at each spot Do not thin the Morning Glories.
8. When the Sunflowers are 5' -6' tall you will need 150" of string for the roof. Tie the string to the top of one of the stalks and lace it back and forth , again and again, across the square to create a network of string for the Morning Glories.
9. When the Morning Glory vines reach the string, it's time to train them to start their journey across the roof of the playhouse