I always lull myself into thinking that there’s nothing left that can come from the Governor’s office that will surprise me. And then come those “gotcha” press releases just to prove me wrong. Here’s the latest one from the Governor’s office talking about the fund set up by Defenders of Wildlife and the accompanying video featuring Ashley Judd.
You really need to watch the video again to get the full impact of the press release.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFdijgMytUA&eurl=http://www.themudflats.net/2009/02/04/palin-responds-to-defenders-of-wildlife/OK, now make sure you’re sitting down, and take a big deep cleansing breath. Inhale……..and…….exhale…….
You are now as ready as you’ll ever be for what’s coming.
February 3, 2009, Juneau, Alaska – Governor Sarah Palin released the following statement today in response to attacks by the Defenders of Wildlife:
“It is reprehensible and hypocritical that the Defenders of Wildlife would use Alaska and my administration as a fundraising tool to deceive Americans into parting with their hard-earned money.
“The ad campaign by this extreme fringe group, as Alaskans have witnessed over the last several years, distorts the facts about Alaska’s wildlife management programs. Alaskans depend on wildlife for food and cultural practices which can’t be sustained when predators are allowed to decimate moose and caribou populations. Our predator control programs are scientific and successful at protecting vulnerable wildlife. These audacious fundraising attempts misrepresent what goes on in Alaska, and I encourage people to learn the facts about Alaska’s positive record of managing wildlife for abundance.
“Shame on the Defenders of Wildlife for twisting the truth in an effort to raise funds from innocent and hard-pressed Americans struggling with these rough economic times.”
Yes, folks. This is all a giant ploy to RIP YOU OFF! That video of those guys gunning down a wolf from the air? That’s “protecting vulnerable wildlife”. It’s “scientific.”
“Shame.” Not on the state, not on her, shame on Defenders of Wildlife. How dare they, in these times of woe and want, try to part you from your hard-earned money. Money, which, Sarah Palin would like you and all those other “innocent and hard-pressed Americans struggling with these rough economic times” to donate to her new political action committee, SarahPAC!
And let’s take a moment to review the vitriol, shall we? Reprehensible. Hypocritical. Extreme fringe group. Audacious. Twisting the truth. Shame. Does the use of this venemous vocabulary remind you of anyone from any particular….squad? If this isn’t from the pen of Meg Stapleton, then someone’s doing an impressive imitation.
And it never ceases to amaze me with what speed the Governor’s office seems to address matters of great importance. And it also never ceases to amaze me what their definition of “great importance” seems to be. Have we heard anything from the Governor about how destitute Alaskans in rural villages are going cold and hungry because of the fishery collapse in Bristol Bay? No. Not one word in 23 days. But we’ve had official press releases on state letterhead with titles like “Governor Palin Says to Media, “There You Go Again” and “Governor Palin Releases Statement on Defenders of Wildlife Campaign“.
Has Palin actually flown out to Emmonak, or Nunam Iqua, or any other village on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta? Or any other village in Alaska where parents are silently deciding whether their children and their elders should get food or heat? What about an entire village where all the residents have to pack up and leave their collective home because the price of energy has overwhelmed them? No. But she did have time to jet off to Washington D.C. and dine on filet mignon and lobster tails at the Alfalfa Club Dinner.
And where exactly is Sarah Palin right now? Does anyone know? She’s not in Juneau, although Alaska’s Legislators are all there, working long hours trying to do the business of the state and get things accomplished; things that will actually help people. They’d probably like to be talking to her. You know, about Alaska and the people who live here, and what’s important to us.
We know where she is not. And we know what she is not doing. And we know what she is not thinking about. The question is, when will Alaskans and their legislators have had enough?