For 200+ years our nation prospered with laws that allowed people a fresh start.
Before 2005, the option of bankruptcy not only prevented the debt imprisonment of European autocracies, but forced lenders to exercise prudence in extending loans.
But when the greedy, bonus-baby executives of Citigroup, BOA, and MBNA could not maintain their fictitious paper "profits" without sending piles of pre-approved unsolicited credit cards to every nursery school student, registered dog and occasional gerbil in America, they lobbied Congress to "reform" our centuries old bankruptcy laws so that ordinary Americans (corporations excepted) would find it next to impossible to discharge unsuppotable debts in bankruptcy.
This "reform" created a "debtor prison without walls".
Ironically, the benefactors same Wall Street criminals we are now bailing out with billions of dollars of taxpayer money.
The same criminals that have now used that money to pay themselves multi-million dollar bonuses, while bankrupting their own company and stockholders (often the pension plans of ordinary Americans).
It's time we realize what an atrocious piece of legislation the so-called Bankruptcy "Reform" Act of 2005 really was.
It is more important than limiting bailed out CEO pay to $500,000.
We need to REPEAL the special interest debt slavery legislation that we enacted to allow credit card executives to escape financial accountability for their greedy and irresponsible actions in extending credit without regard to sound business practices.
Our government had no business assuming the role of collecting agent for greedy financial criminals.
By eliminating the financial safety-net of bankruptcy, which is what we did in bankruptcy "Reform", we became a government responsive to corporation rather than citizens.
If now is not the time for REPEAL of this atrocious legislation, when is?