This morning, my wife and I were discussing the continuing partisan, self-serving political obstructionism by the Republicans for President Obama, his administration, and the Democratic party in general.
There have been more than a few glimpses of the real "logic" behind the Republican obstructionism, i.e., the recent comments by Ken Blackwell and Rush Limpballs, er-rrr Limbaugh that President Obama and his administration must fail. And why? Just so the Democratic party doesn't reap a flood of new, grateful voters for the 2010, 2012, and beyond elections.
And all the while, these same Republicans continue to hypocritically and deceitfully wrap themselves in our flag and claim how they're such good, patriotic, Christian Americans. In reality, they conveniently only care about their own self-serving partisan agendas (power and greed-based) and continue to repeatedly break the Commandment of "thou shall not bear false witness."
So, my wife and I came up with the following suggestion for President Obama and his administration: since the Republicans are, in reality, obsessed with potential Democratic party growth if the Obama administration succeeds in reversing the Bush/Republican-caused recession, the Obama administration should modify all pending recession-oriented legislation to EXCLUDE funding to any congressional district who Republican representatives voted against the recession legislation and/or entire states if that state's total senatorial contingent voted against the recession legislation.
Can you imagine the feedback that those Republican legislators would receive after their Republican and non-Republican constituents realized that the GOP's self-serving, partisan, obstructionist agenda had just screwed the pooch and exempted their district and/or state from federal recession funding?
Ya, I know, this isn't probable, but rather it is a wishful "eye-for-an-eye" strategy right back at the Republicans. Rant off. -- Michael