ProPublica : Journalism in the Public Interest
Why Did Citi Get Bailout Money Meant For ‘Healthy’ Banks?by Jeff Gerth, ProPublica - February 4, 2009 12:13 pm EST
There remains an enduring mystery from the government's bank bailout <1>: Why did the initial rescue package last October, designed only for nine "healthy" banks, provide $25 billion to Citigroup, the faltering banking giant?
Some clues may emerge over the next week as the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee conducts hearings about the bailout program <2>, known as TARP, or
Troubled Asset Relief Program.Lawmakers and congressional auditors have been unable to pin down details about the decision-making process for that initial round of the TARP.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, as part of his Senate confirmation, was asked to provide documentation of the "processes and criteria" used for the initial investments. In response, he pledged a "full explanation," if confirmed. But as of Tuesday, eight days after he took office, the senator who requested the information, Kentucky Republican Jim Bunning, had not received a reply, according to Senate aides. Geithner, now in his second week as secretary, has not yet responded, but intends to "in the near future," according to an e-mail on Wednesday from a Treasury official.
Geithner is slated to appear before the Senate panel on Feb. 10 to discuss the TARP. It will be his first appearance before the Senate committee with jurisdiction over banking issues.
The Congressional Oversight Panel, set up by Congress to monitor the TARP, has criticized the "Citigroup experience" in two reports.
In a report last month <3> (PDF), the panel questioned how Citigroup had qualified as a "healthy bank" last October, yet,
a few weeks later <4>, required another $20 billion government infusion and a federal guarantee of $300 billion of its troubled assets, as part of a different TARP program designed to avoid systemic risk.
Congressional aides and investigators have inquired about the initial bailout investments at the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. But so far, they say, they have not received a precise description of the process. Geithner is the former president of the New York Fed, which, as Citigroup's primary regulator, was involved in the TARP program.
The mystery traces back to Oct. 13, when Henry Paulson, then the secretary of the Treasury, summoned the heads of nine major financial institutions -- six commercial banks and three investment banks -- to a meeting. Congress had just passed emergency legislation to help bolster the seriously weakened credit markets and Paulson wanted to invest $125 billion in these leading firms. Geithner also attended the meeting.