Edited on Wed Feb-04-09 05:59 PM by Mike 03
He says, simply, "I'm doing my best to pass a stimulus package that will help redeem America and put Americans back to work. This is the stimulus package I promised you I would fight for, and the one I talked about during my campaign. We've worked hard on this for months. And even though I've reached across the aisle, sincerely, my efforts have been met with continuous resistance.
You, the people, are now seeing with your own eyes how Washington fails you. They obstruct your will, knowingly, and intentionally. And now they are doing it to you again, trying to sabotage and derail this package...
Now I'm calling on you, the people of this country, to tell Washington what you want.
Do you want me to succeed? Or do you want the same old same old... (etc...)"
I'm not sure if this would work. I have written scathing emails to my senators as well as Mitch McConnell and not even got a form letter back.
But maybe if we DELUGE them with negative feedback they will realize they are killing their own chances for re-election and in some cases, like McCain, destroying their own legacies.