A Hand up, Instead of a Hand out
By: looseheadprop Wednesday February 4, 2009 6:00 pm 0
The most extraordinary comment showed up in one of the threads. I'm omitting the commenter's screen name for privacy's sake, but s/he relayed a tale that is so out of the norm for a candidate for office. Not your politics as usual.
On a different topic. Firedoglake had Jim Holbert as their guest this past weekend. Mr. Holbert is running to unseat Republican Hal Rogers in Kentucky's 5th Congressional District. I participated in the discussion and I corresponded with Mr. Holbert after the discussion. During my correspondence with Mr. Holbert I told him that I was impressed with his answer about prosecuting Bush war criminals. I told him that I'd be glad to help his campaign in any way that I could but that I couldn't make a donation at this time because I was unemployed. Today I get the mail and I have a letter from Mr. Holbert. Enclosed with the letter was a check for $20 to help me put gas in the car for my job search. I've never had a politician give ME money before, it's always been the other way around so I felt that I should share this with you guys. I hope Firedoglake will invite Mr. Holbert to talk with us again in the future so that all of us can ask questions and possibly donate to his campaign.
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