Source: ABC
February 4, 2009
LONDON (Reuters) - Chemical traces left in 635 million-year-old rocks in Oman provide the earliest evidence so far of animal life, researchers said Wednesday.
The oldest sponge steroids detected in sedimentary rocks underly this cap carbonate,so pre-date the end of the Marinoan glaciations.
(Courtesy David Fik/NPG)The findings, published about a week before the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin, are also proof of the simple organisms the English naturalist said must have existed before evolving into more complex creatures, they researchers said.
"Basically we have found a thread of that evidence that he predicted should be there," said Roger Summons, a geobiologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who worked on the study.
"There is a great wealth of evidence these sponges were the first multi-cellular organisms to exist."
Using a chemical analysis of molecules in rocks dated to 635 million years ago, the researchers discovered a modified form of cholesterol only produced by the sponges