Edited on Thu Feb-05-09 06:23 AM by woodwrite
Two reasons, actually,... one being derived from the other.
Okay, the "official" reason is largely couched in florid, samaritan-like semantics, and its reasoning goes something like this: We're in the midst of two wars and an already-catastrophic economic crisis, therefore time is of the essence and wasting time on recriminations is an untenable response to the immediate dangers we face, etc, etc.... which boils down to good ol' Christian charity,... forgive-and-forget,... won't solve anything,.. more important work to do,.. umm,... you get the idea. Thus we are given to believe that the incoming Obama administration had already made some sort of deal,.. issued some sort of assurances to the outgoing regime that no (or only minor, symbolic) legal actions would be aimed at them. Time to heal,... bind up the wounds,... the list could (and will) go on forever.
Of course, there is the related and not entirely inconceiveable underlying notion that to take serious legal action against the Bush-neocon reich would be an open admission to the rest of the world that, Yes, it can happen here,... Yes, for eight years the greatest democracy in history was actually under the control of neo-nazis,... and No,.. all you Brits and Bolivians and Turks and Aussies never should have trusted us then (so why should you trust us now?) Anyone can figure out this particular corollary,... sort of a face-saving thing, if you will. Let's just all get back to being AMERICA, right?
Unfortunately, Reason #1 is BS on a scale only dreamed of in Madison Avenue ad agencies,..... but without Reason #1, the stage would be set for Reason #2,... and that one is really scary,... mainly because it is true.
By levelling serious Constitutional charges against the apparent bad guys, we would be taking the thing into court. Evidence would be seen,... testimony heard,.. and undoubtedly some of the "bad guys" would roll over on the REAL bad guys,.... the actual power behind the Bush throne, if you will,... and that is an eventually those powers simply will not permit. To wit: Sure Cheney played loose with the law with that secret Energy Panel deal,..... but who else was in the room, eh? And where did all those unaccounted-for billions in reconstruction money really go, hm? Oh, and what about those much-discussed election-tampering schemes? Who had the money and power and initiative to pull that off? Surely not the bumbling republicans. Not all by themselves. Again,.... another list which could (and should) go on forever. The trials would turn into the undoing and the revelation behind ALL the conspiracy theories,.... and we would finally learn something about who's REALLY running this show.
Yes,.... possibly even the show we're currently watching........ those bailouts would be a good place to start.