Even though justice appointments and starting wars are usually the legacy of *$*&#^# that most of us think about, the republican idiots are everywhere. Faculty at this college have been fighting over this administrative appointment without success. Personally, I'm wondering if we should keep Gitmo open and send all the GOP appointees and Wall Street CEO's there for a 5 year vacation. Anyone with a comment on politicians being appointed to academic jobs can reach USF's administration at
http://www.usf.edu/About-USF/Administration/President/Contact-Us.asp This was from the St. Pete Times:
"A powerful U.S. representative is calling for William Hogarth, the dean of USF's marine science department, to be ousted as the American delegate to the International Whaling Commission.
In a letter dated Wednesday, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Nick Rahall, D-W.Va., says Hogarth — a Bush appointee — should get the boot because he has been working with the Japanese to dismantle the current worldwide ban on commercial whaling.
"The American people care deeply about protecting whales and do not want the U.S. to be the broker who capitulated to those who still want to kill whales for commercial gain," Rahall wrote to the acting head of the Commerce Department, which oversees such issues."