Edited on Thu Feb-05-09 09:56 AM by 1gobluedem
The writer puts it simply in terms most people should be able to understand.
I particularly like the two things I've highlighted:
Letter: Buying American will help economy by Michael Knox | Ann Arbor
Wednesday February 04, 2009, 12:51 PM There has been some good dialog lately on the subject of buying American. Personally, I embrace the concept. It is good for American workers and good for American companies. Wealth stays in America.
One observation I have made in life is the French like French things, the Germans like German things, the Japanese like Japanese things, and we Americans like, well ... everything. I guess we truly are a melting pot. On the other hand, though, we show more nationalism for our professional sports teams than we do American made goods.
We can help ourselves out of this economy by buying American.
The flip side of buying American is making American, and this is where Corporate America and our government has failed us. We've exported jobs, productive capacity, wealth and most importantly, know-how overseas for the sole interest of profit through the exploitation of cheap labor. If we are to recover, and some think we won't, Corporate America and our government will have to reinvest in America and American productivity. It won't be quick, and it won't be easy, but it must be done.