Inheriting invasion plans from Eisenhower which he felt duty-bound to honor Kennedy launched the Bay of Pigs invasion which proved to be both a military and political disaster.
Well, Obama inherits an ill-conceived stimulus plan from his predecessor, which must be completely overhauled, and then feels duty bound to let the Republicans feel they have something constructive to bring to the process. But, of course, all they will bring is obstructionism and obstinacy. Devoted followers of Voodoo economics whose souls have all ready been sucked dry by the high priests of capitalism all they can, and will do, is chant for tax cuts, and stick as many pins as possible into the President's plans.
They will bray. But beware of this bray of pigs Mr. Obama. Don't let them get started, for these are people who think being stranded on a sand bar is the same as establishing a foothold on the beach. Don't feel duty bound to honor the dishonorable. Do what the Democrats elected you to do. If they Republicans don't want to get aboard the tug boats that will save the ship of state, let them drift out to sea and well deserved irrelevance.