of Puke lies, thievery, treason, and unspeakable atrocities.
For instance, the slaughter of 200,000 Mayan villagers in Guatemala--death squads funded, trained by the U.S.A. (Reagan again).
Long list, difficult choices.
Then there are political crimes tantamount to treason: passage (with half the Dems in the House and virtually all in the Senate voting FOR) the "Help America Vote (for Bush) Act" Oct. '02--$3.9 billion e-voting boondoggle, to spread 'TRADE SECRET' vote counting machines all over the land.
Unnoticed crimes: The disappearance of Chandra Levy, 5/1/01, on the same day, and during the same hours, that her boyfriend ("Blue Dog" Dem Gary Condit) was meeting with Dick Cheney. Two days later, 5/3/01, Condit votes for Bush-Cheney's first tax cut for the rich--one of only 10 Dem votes for it, in a very close and controversial vote. The behavior of the corpo/fascist 'news' monopolies around that meeting angers me to this day. (I smelled a rat with that one; still do.) Her bones found a year later, in Rock Creek Park, after 9/11, so nobody noticed or cared.
Bush Jr. speech at West Point declaring his "doctrine" of pre-emptive war. Can't remember the exact date (late '02), but I do remember my jaw dropping, and being AMAZED by the lack of reaction in Congress (which was busily preparing to turn our voting system over to far rightwing corporations to be run on 'TRADE SECRET' code).
I detest the CIA, like every red-blooded American should, but I have to say that the outing of Valerie Plame, on 7/14/03--head of the WMD counter-proliferation project, twenty years in development, putting all of Plame's agents/contacts around the world at risk of death, and the lack of consequences for that act of treason also left me jaw-dropped. Murder of David Kelly, three days later, 7/17/03--an explosive and possibly related mystery--was also disgraceful. The Brits killing one of their own.
"Shock and Awe"--that was memorable. 100,000 innocent people slaughtered in one week, to get their oil.
As a matter of fact, the last 28 years have been one, long, relentless, unmerciful, mind-boggling disgrace.