don't want health care, I don't want health care insurance! I don't greed-mongering insurance companies between me and my doctor! If Wyden is another Daschle clone, I don't want him or anyone else negotiating a "health care insurance program for all!" The article says his former aide os now a health care lobbyist! WTF, for what corporations, interests? What did this aide do while working for Wyden in the Senate. More bribed democrats, doing the bidding of their puppet masters!
I want medical treatment when I need, or my when kids need it or anyone needs medical attention. I want a national single-payer system, PERIOD!
I want doctors and all medical practioners to be paid well. I want them to have the incentive to studdy in high school and all of the education so that the smartest, scientifically and reality-based people will provide the most effective medical treatment! Getting the insurance pigs out of the picture will provide the funds to pay for a well-funded national single-payer medical treatment plan.
Tell the insurance companies, their lobbyists and paid politicians in Congress or the Whitehouse to go away Now!