WALLACE: Now, Ms. Eubanks, the Office of Professional Responsibility, which conducts internal reviews in the Justice Department, looked at these allegations, and here's what they concluded.
And let's put it up on the screen, "Actions in seeking and directing changes in the remedies sought were not influenced by any political considerations, but rather were based on good-faith efforts to obtain remedies from the district court that would be sustainable on appeal."
In effect, OPR, the Office of Professional Responsibility, said your bosses did nothing wrong.
EUBANKS: Well, let's talk about that. The fact is that that's not an independent office. In the first place, Capitol Hill asked the inspector general to look into matters. The inspector general at the department is an independent office.
But the people in OPR, the Office of Professional Responsibility — they report up through the chain, either in fact or certainly in effect, because I had problems with the investigation myself. And I called up the so-called target of the investigation, Robert McCallum, told him about those.
And do you know what he told me? "You know what? I will call Marshall Garrett and I will take care of that for you." That's not in the report.
Furthermore, I was interviewed for an entire day for that OPR report. Not once did they ask about the e-mail exchange between the White House and the Justice Department which I was on. Not one question. It's a whitewash. That's what that is.WALLACE: And very briefly, what was in the e-mail exchanges? Is there something significant there?
EUBANKS: Yes, it was. After the announcement of the reduction in the amount sought came about, there was a lot of furor from the press. Everyone started asking questions.
So the response that the department had was they wanted to do an op-ed for a newspaper. In this case it turned out to be USA Today.
Robert McCallum was drafting it, and he was sending his draft over to the White House, taking their edits and their remarks and putting it together for the reason why this happened.<snip>
http://www.foxnews.com/printer_friendly_story/0,3566,261052,00.htmlStill hoping for video... no luck so far.