or is that "IN-beddedness". Watchdogs and messengers for the elite agenda.
NEWSLETTER - Friday, February 6, 2009
“Journalists, historically, have been thought of as change agents, as mechanisms to check and
alter government power. What they've now become is the opposite. They are essentially,
the greatest impediment to changing political power, because they have been integrated so completely into it, and are vested in its preservation. And so, I think whatever change occurs is going to occur
despite our journalist class, rather than because of them.”- Glenn Greenwald
This week on BILL MOYERS JOURNAL (check local listings)
In an increasingly political media environment, how has journalism responded to the task of getting to the truth and informing the public? Bill Moyers sits down with NYU journalism professor and PressThink blogger Jay Rosen and political journalist and Salon.com blogger Glenn Greenwald.
The legacy and legend of Lincoln. As Abraham Lincoln's bicentennial birthday approaches, Bill Moyers sits down with historian and Lincoln biographer Eric Foner to discuss the legacy and the legend of America's most studied president. Having just received Illinois' highest honor, the Order of Lincoln, Eric Foner is author of OUR LINCOLN: NEW PERSPECTIVES ON LINCOLN AND HIS WORLD and speaks to Moyers about the evolution of Lincoln's image from politician to icon.
http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/index.htmlLog for more from Eric Foner on Lincoln and the progressive strand in American history.
Explore Lincoln's life and legacy -- from the "original" log cabin to the Lincoln of pop culture.
Find out more from Rosen and Greenwald about citizen journalism.
Watch the best of Bill Moyers on the media.
http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/blog/Cool Commanders-in-Chief. Who was America's greatest President?
Politics, the Press and the Public. Is media part of the Beltway problem?
Take our poll. Do you support President Obama's economic stimulus plan?
The good 'news' is that WTP (We The People) have become very savvy and good at spotting the lies.
We are learning to trust the reality WE are attuned to, and don't rely as much on the media or polls
to inform our perceptions and shape our 'reality'.... and we are doing it in numbers too big to ignore. BRAVO!!!!
It's kind of like if the weather man began to lie to us, we'd soon learn to 'read' the weather
ourselves...because it's something we know how to do in our gut but have rarely had to use this
instinct. The internet has been a helpful tool in taking the collective temperature and gathering
the threads of truth.
We must NEVER lose touch with our own instincts, and MUST learn to trust them.