Are you in sufficient awe of just what the hell you can do with that thing? there I was, bossing around a little piece of Mac freeware called TubeTV and instructing it to download a wonderfully strange YouTube video clip I stumbled across (while searching for "vintage spanking," thank you very much), a delightful snippet featuring some grainy, impish, "risque" female booty shaking and shimmying and, uh, somersaulting, apparently part of a wonderfully weird, longer film originating from the '40s or so, a time when the men were slicked-up and the women all looked like Betty Crocker and the panties were the size of your average pool tarp.
I know what you're thinking. And yes, my days are rich and fascinating indeed.
Stay with me here. I proceeded to convert this clip into an M4V video file on my MacBook and open it in iMovie, where I cropped it to the exact, 10-second section I wanted, and then clicked through the entire snippet, frame by frame, saving each split second of film into a nice stack of consecutively numbered images, which I then opened in Photoshop Elements and batch processed down to about 250 tiny, black and white thumbnails all set at 300dpi, which, if it works, if it looks good, if I like the final result, I will ultimately be inserting, one by one, in order, into the corners of the pages of my upcoming mega-compendium of a book, "The Daring Spectacle."
Get it? The idea being, when you happen to tire of reading my finest/weirdest columns and skimming through my all-time nastiest hate mail and catching up on those classic Mullet Haikus from newsletters past, you can merely close the book and take off your pants and casually fan through the corner of the book and behold, much to your drunkenly naked fascination, a very strange and wonderful little flipbook indeed. ...