Edited on Fri Feb-06-09 10:36 AM by tom_paine
Any good Bushie would tell you that the only way to attack people is when they are defensless or cannot speak for themselves. Denying voice to the opposition is but one portion of their Media Control Program. The old "spend 20 minutes attacking them AFTER they have left the room" is a key method of advertising and propaganda combining both The Last Word Principle and the opportunity to repeat innoculating soundbyte slogans or memes in an unopposed setting.
This is critical to the Bushies literal hijacking of the National Dialogue and reengineering it to insanity, which benefits the tyrants and always has.
You understand that such things are now literally woven into our media system. It is now indistinguishable where media ends and Bushie propaganda machinery begins, and has been for quite some time.
What is creepy about this whole thing is do you thing an ignorant, unself-aware blow-dried mouth-breather like Velchi considered that or any thoughts remotely like it before doing so?
Unlikely. He is just going along to get along. He sees that the Infogandists who do that sort of thing are the ones who get the VERY BEST performance reviews and get the plum assignments, the rasies, the fame.
That's all it takes for most. Hell, it might be all it takes for any of us, no matter how much we doth protest.
As I have said before, the subtle and amazingly high understanding of the human mind, as taught to tyrants and their propagandists/advertisers, combined with the power of the statistical understanding of the behavior of large groups and the level of media saturation in our society, has given them the power to melt reality like mozarella cheese.
Velchi is on the autopilot of Conventional Wisdom and Go-Get-Aheadism. The system he is now a part of guides him in what he must do to get ahead. Good performance review coming up for HIM.
How do you stop something like that, once it has reached a certain critical mass, once it is literally interwoven into the system? As we watch the creepy Bushie and Toady Corporate M$M do their usual infoganda template, unchanged since Sept. 2001 by and large, on the Obama Stimulus, and how quickly reality melts like mozarella cheese, the advertising and PR manipulations work as the statistical psychology SAYS THEY MUST, and the stimulus approval numbers go down.
It works now as well as it ever did, when the machine is truly turned on. I remain 80% convinced that the rapid and extraordinary economic crash was pretty much the ONLY thing that could have gotten him into the Imperial Palace and on the Throne.