They talk like Peace is a disgusting concept, it's really quite amazing:
Listen to this story...(at link above)
by Daniel Zwerdling
Weekend Edition Saturday, March 24, 2007 · To the members of a women's group in Fairmont, Minn.,
it seemed like a simple idea: The United States has a Department of State, which promotes
America's interests overseas. And it also has a Department of Defense,
which fights for them. So why not create a Department of Peace, to promote
creative ways to avoid conflicts?
A national coalition of human rights groups has been campaigning for the idea,
which has been around in some form since the days of America's founding fathers.
There's currently a bill before Congress that would create such an agency.
When the Fairmont Peace Club learned of the campaign last year, they decided
to help. Instead, they triggered fears in their community about the very survival of America.
Fairmont, surrounded by farm fields and red barns, is the government seat
of Martin County, population 10,000; it's among the top 10 pork-producing
counties in America. The area is 97 percent white, and a large majority
of residents usually vote Republican....
"The frightening thing about this whole thing is, it's a humongous push
to get the United Nations' foot in the door. And their total goal, if you study
up on it all, is to take away our sovereignty," warned resident Peet Moeller....
(more and audio at link) <>